I usually find it difficult talking about myself and especially when I need to introduce myself in one sentence. We are living in an age of specialization and I must admit that this makes things even worse for me.

I was raised with the saying of my father:

The human mind has enormous possibilities

If I wish to travel to distant galaxies I can just close my eyes and travel with my mind. If I wish to prove this travel mathematically I will use my mind to prove it. If I wish my body to travel with me then…it will take a lot of decades of scientific effort.

As a result, the mind cannot be constrained while the body is putting constraints in our minds

As a result, in Art and Life, I was always inspired by the term Homo Universalis (Polymath) and accordingly Leonardo da Vinci as a Polymath of the Renaissance.

Of course, this comes with its drawbacks. If you are not a genius like Leonardo da Vinci you may get involved in many different things in life without been perfect in any of these. But be aware the same stands for specialization. You may specialize forever without achieving excellence.

In Real Life, I am no artist. Actually, I am a postdoctoral researcher who specialized in computer science. A researcher is about contributing new research and be aware of past research outcomes.

I tend to approach Art in more or less the same way. An important part of my creative encounters was dedicating on studying the history of art, art masters and art technology. I think that above all this is the only way to learn. You can learn a lot of styles but the ultimate goal is to learn how to think like an artist.

So, this is as far as I can go introducing myself. I hope that you will find this journey I have prepared for you interesting, and maybe I will be honoured if you learn by my journey, mistakes and deficiencies.

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