The shipwreck

This composition was implemented using a large sea rock as the base and smaller sea rocks to represent individual rocks. For creating the “skeleton” of the shipwreck aluminium wire was used (black wire 2mm). After creating a rough skeleton this was attached on the rock using a hot glue gun. Then individual features were created on the 3D pen using black PLA.

Finally, some wooden sticks were used to create the effect of broken wood parts of the shipwreck. These were also decorated in PLA using the 3D pen.

The entire composition was build in a step by step approach. For example, initially, the shipwreck was covered with thin plastic lines with the pen through continuous rotational movements around the skeleton to create some form of base structure. Then individual board were created in a more detailed approach formulating with the pen individual wooden board and painting the outside frame between the boards in a grey colour to create a visual separator between boards.

In the following gallery you can access the final work of art in various levels of details and angles.