Female figures are certainly a fun to paint. The main challenge is to find a nice 3D model that can get you inspired.
Usually when I’m painting female figures I put a little bit extra of my artistic experience and change the type of medium. I usually prefer to prime the model in oil painting primer and then I wait for it to dry and paint will oil colors.
This is of course a mater of taste. But I personally feel that the oily quality and semi gloss finish of oil paints gives more life to my painted figures.
This is my feeling from any other form of painting my preference is oils, then pigments with glue and then acrylics. I feel that acrylics give a plastic look on the outcome and more effort is needed for the painters side. But this is only my personal opinion, I have seen great works of art entirely in acrylics.
The following gallery has some examples of the projects I have done with printed 3D models and oil paints.
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