Currently this section hold two models I have painted.
Both retrieved form Thingiverse.
The first is a famous sculpt by Degas created by Phill Luland.
The second is a 3D model I just found by browsing through thingiverse and I really liked called CAX Girl-2 created by Eric Chen
I the Degas girl I did some improvising and added a garment on the model by using paverpol fabric hardener and some thin fabric.
In the second one I created a wooden base of the model that is still half painted.
The results can be seen in the gallery bellow:

Degas Girl
Degas Girl by Phill_Luland_3D_Printed_Art, retrieved on thingiverse, PLA, layer height 0.3, Zonestar P802N

Degas Girl
Degas Girl by Phill_Luland_3D_Printed_Art, retrieved on thingiverse, PLA, layer height 0.3, Zonestar P802N

Degas Girl
Degas Girl by Phill_Luland_3D_Printed_Art, retrieved on thingiverse, PLA, layer height 0.3, Zonestar P802N

Degas Girl
Degas Girl by Phill_Luland_3D_Printed_Art, retrieved on thingiverse, PLA, layer height 0.3, Zonestar P802N

CAX Girl-2
CAX Girl-2 by tatami0131, retrieved by thingiverse, printed in pla, Zonestar P802N, layer height 0.2

CAX Girl-2
CAX Girl-2 by tatami0131, retrieved by thingiverse, printed in pla, Zonestar P802N, layer height 0.2

CAX Girl-2
CAX Girl-2 by tatami0131, retrieved by thingiverse, printed in pla, Zonestar P802N, layer height 0.2