I refer to stories original compositions that have made over the years to narrate a story in pictures. These compositions usually start with an idea a concept and then can be subdivided into smaller ideas or concepts each of which materialized through a painting.
Below you can find some examples of my stories.
In the woods
Naked in the woods, Original Composition, Oil Painting, 2018
By the sea
By the sea, Original Composition, Oil Painting, 2018
A painting with references to great artists
Central figures from ‘Primavera’ (Sandro Botticelli), Cupids from Raphael, ‘The Voyage of Galatea,’ Satyr from Albrecht Dürer’s ‘Satyr Family’
The dream
The dream , Original Composition, Oil Painting, 2018
Narrow passage
Narrow passage, Original Composition, Oil Painting, 2018
In the shadow
Found laying in the shadow, original Composition, Oil Painting, 2018